Thursday, September 14, 2006



Mail Order is one of the fastest growing and most exciting areas of selling in use today. It's inexpensive, it's readily measurable, and, best of all, it's relatively easy to do--if you do it right!

The following tips are guaranteed to get you off on the right track (or back on the right track) as a mail order seller. Whether you're a novice or an old pro, you're bound to find some points here that will make a difference to your bottom line!

1.) Always remember that the market comes first. In mail order, the is identifying a market segment with a specific need and then filling that need with your product or service. The mistake many mail order sellers make is first developing a product and then trying to find a group of people who might be interested in that product.

2.) In mail order, the KISS principle applies--Keep-It-short-and-Simple. That refers to you offer and copy. While a long does work, you only want to get long-winded when your product and offer require it. Simplicity applies to the words you choose as well. Don't use a $50 word when you can use a $1 word instead.

3.) Don't be a slave to grammar and punctuation rules. The goal in mail order selling is conveying a message. Communication is the key!

4.) Make sure you copy and graphics work together. The graphics should set the tone and mood for your mail piece and the copy should support that mood.

5.) Graphics are meant to do more than just look nice. In fact, it's commonly known that the award winning brochures aren't necessarily the ones that pull the highest response. Graphics are meant to pull the reader through your mailing piece and to highlight and emphasize the major points.

6.) If you're using photos in your brochure, try to make them as active as possible. When you're picture your products, show someone using it.

7.) Never, never print over the top of a photograph. But always caption your photos--it increases readership.

8.) Don't forget to measure back-end as well as front-end when you're determining how well a promotion did. Your mailing may have pulled a 3% front-end response, but if returns are heavy you could lose your profits in a hurry!

9.) Don't forget about the FTC 30-day Rule. This rule states that: you must deliver a product to the buyer when you say you will, if you don't promise a delivery date, you must ship the product no latter than 30 days after you receive the order. The buyer has the right to cancel the order, receiving a full refund, if the product is not shipped within the 30 days!

10.) The 4 most important elements in mail order marketing are the List, the Offer, the Format and the Copy.

11.) Try involvement devices to increase response. What are they? Some simple ones that you might use include check boxes, tear off stubs, questions, etc.

12.) Don't neglect you outer envelope--it's the first thing your customer sees and deserves your attention. Include teaser copy on you outer envelopes to entice the customer to look inside.

13.) When using a sales letter, don't forget about the P.S. It's the second most read part of a letter and should be used to reemphasize your offer.

14.) If you Ad works, keep using it, even if you've grown bored of it.

15.) Never mention a product feature without turning that feature into a benefit for the customer. Your product has bee around for 100 years? So what! That means nothing to the customer. Always answer the customers' inherent question of---what's in it for me?

16.) Always design your order form first. It's the most important element of your package and one of the most overlooked by many direct marketers.

17.) Ask your customer for names and addresses of friends/colleagues who might be interested in your product or service. It's a good way to build your mailing list.

18.) Try the use of a premium to increase response---but make sure the premium is somehow related to your product.

19.) Always, always always use a guarantee in your mail marketing--and make sure that your guarantee is generous and prominently displayed.

20.) When testing price, always test price points both above and below the price you think is the right one.

The Best Of Luck To You, and Keep On Mailing!


Simple, easy, ant with an unlimited income potential! You can set this program up right from your kitchen table, and easily parlay it into $100,000 per year!

You've no doubt heard of the millions of dollars "raked in" by advertising agencies each year, and that's what this business is all about. In fact, that's the name of the game with this business!

Here's what you do: Call up the owner, general manager or advertising director of your local "nickel ads" or shoppers newspaper. Tell him you're a mail order advertising agency, with clients all over the country. Explain to him that you'd like to have a regular space - 2 columns wide by 6-inches deep - in every edition of his paper for at least the next 12 months.

You'd like a headline on this space, the headline to read: Mail Order Money-Making Opportunities. You will turn in to him on each of his advertising closing dates, a number of mail order ads. You want him to set each ad within this space, just as if he were running 2 columns of want ads. Then, at the bottom of this space, you want him to set in slightly larger type, the name and address of your advertising agency. Below that, in italics, you want your slogan, such as: A Full Service Advertising Agency for Mail Order

Dealers Nationwide!

By setting up a contract for a "defined" amount of space in each edition of the paper for at least 12 months, you'll save at least 30% over the regular day-to-day and/or monthly rate charges. By talking with the "top-dog" in charge, you'll be able to avoid a

lot of hassle and negotiate the best deal. This is the first step - explain your plan and assure them that you're going to be a long-term, regular customer; and then negotiate for the best, bottom-line cost figure.

Figuring that each ad you run in this space will require 3/4 of an inch, this means you have room for 14 ads, plus your headline and nameplate. Your cost will probably run between $50 and $75 per week on an "every edition" annual contract. So now, you simply set a price to charge your advertisers in accordance with the total circulation of the publication.

Charge $10 per ad - times 14 equals $140 - minus $50 costs - leave you with a profit of $90 per week. $15 per ad - times 14 equals $210 - minus $50 costs - leaves you with a profit of $160 per week. $20 per ad - times 14 equals $280 - minus $50 costs -

leaves you with a profit of $230 per week. You may want to start off with a larger space, say 3 columns wide by 6-inches deep, for even more and faster profits. The important thing is to set the first one up, and then duplicate or multiply your efforts.

Just as soon as you've got your program set up with one shoppers' newspaper, do the same with another one. If there aren't too many in your town, take a trip to a near-by larger city ant get it set up there. If there are no "shoppers papers" in your area, check it out wit your local newspaper.

Once you've established this program in the shoppers' papers, start making the rounds and setting it up with your area suburban newspapers. Remember, the more you duplicate the "set-up" of this program, the more profits you'll make.

Now, you're ready to go after the advertisers... I suggest that you sit your local stationery store; pick up a pad of "fade-out" graph paper and a roll of black or red border tape about an eighth inch wide. Take these materials home, and on a sheet of graph paper, measure inch from the top, and on the line from left to right, make a line with your border tape. Do the same thing at the bottom of the page. Measure in a 1/2 inch from the sides, and do the same thing for each side. Then take a sharp razor blade and square off the corners. You should now have a perfect rectangle as framed by your border tape. So measure down from the top of your frame a half inch, and run a strip of border tape on this line from left to right. This will be for your "mast head." Now measure to divide your frame into equally wide columns and run a strip of border tape as column dividers from top to bottom.

What you're coming up with is what is known as an "ad sheet" in the mail order business, and it's looking beautiful! Select a name, such as The Trailblazer or Ron's Mail Order Opportunities. Make another visit to your stationery store, pick up some 18 or 24

point "Transfer Letters" in the style you want for your ad sheet title.

Take them home, and on another sheet of graph paper, write out the title you want to use on your ad sheet. Then take a ruler and razor blade, and cut the paper your title is on, into one strip that will fit into that half inch space at the top of your ad sheet - the space we talked about as being for your masthead. Simply paste the strip of paper with your ad sheet title into this space and you're ready to start pasting in ads - on your ad sheet - from advertisers. Incidentally, when you're over at your stationery store, pick up what is known as a "Glue Stick." This is a tool you'll be using from now on, and if you'll go with this for all your paste-up endeavors, you'll come out with a much neater, as well as easier job. I don't recommend "rubber cement," and most assuredly don't use a household paste for your paste-up jobs.

Once you have got your ad sheet layed out, take it to a nearby quick-print shop and have them make at least 100 printed copies. You'll want it printed on both sides, with your masthead omitted and your columns running all the way to the top of your frame on

the back side. Then you take your pasted-up ad sheet original home and file it as your "master." You'll be using one of your printed copies each time you "paste-up" an ad sheet for printing and/or publication. All of this is a par t of setting yourself up and getting organized for the business you're about to start...

The purpose of your ad sheet is strictly to afford you FREE advertising for your primary project. So, you make up an ad such as this: SAVE ON ADVERTISING! Run our ad in your publication - Well run yours in ours! Checking copies each issue. Send samples of your ad sheet, and the ad you want us to run. We can begin next week, but hurry - space is limited...

Either type this out or have it typeset as a one column, one inch ad and place it at the top of the left hand column on the front of your ad sheet; and at the bottom of the right hand column on the back of your ad sheet.

Now, make up an ad for your primary business, such as: 200,000 circulation! Only $5 to have your 35 word ad included one time! Run it 5 times and save! Only $50 for 5 consecutive insertions! Metro Shoppers, your address.

Type this ad out, or have it typeset into an eye-catching one column by one inch ad. Then place one of these ads at the bottom of the right hand column on the front of your ad sheet, and another at the top of the left hand column on the back of your ad sheet.

These ads - one about exchanging ads, and the other about your shopping paper advertising program - should be run in each edition of your ad sheet that you publish. In other words, they should be permanent fixtures in your ad sheet. Actually, they're the

primary reason for your getting involved in ad sheet publishing - free advertising/exposure for your service to mail order advertisers.

Fill out the space in your first ad sheet with ad for other things you can offer, or clip better ads from the ad sheets you receive in the mail, and use those. Once you've got the space on both sides of your ad sheet filled, take this "paste-up" to your local print shop and have 200 to 500 printed.

Meanwhile, you begin making a 3 x 5 card file of the publishers' addresses of the different ad sheets you receive in the mail. Each file card should show the name of the ad sheet, the name and address of the publisher, and the date you first received a copy of their ad sheet. File these cards in zip code sequence. Send for our complete 1983 listing of mail order publication, to get a jump on the file of ad sheet publishers you'll want to maintain... Just $3 from the distributor who supplied this report. Order by item #1550.

The next thing is to have your list of mail order publications typed out onto mailing label. These sheets of labels, you maintain as master copies, marking on your file cards, the sheet number each mail order publication is listed on. Ace Ad Sheet might show an M-l, meaning that they are listed on page one of your masters for mailing label. Millers' Advertiser might show an M-6 for sheet number 6, while Zastrow's Active Advertiser might show an M-12 for sheet 12 of your master list.

The purpose of the master list is to save time and further work when you mail out your at sheet. Simply take your master copies to your nearest quick print shop and copy your masters onto sheets of labels. As for the coding of positions on the master list, this is also to save you time. When you receive a "returned to sender," because the publisher has either gone out o business or moved, you look it up by zip cote in your card file - mark that card accordingly - note the master sheet code, and turn right to that page without having to scan through each of your master sheets to find that particular listing. These two procedures will be especially important as you add new listings to your master sheets without having to redo the whole list.

An extra benefit will be your ability to advertise and sell your master listing - from your 3 x 5 card file - of mail order publications at the start of each new year. You could also advertise and sell duplicates/copies of your master label mailing list as active mail order advertisers. Still another idea might be to collect copies of each mail order publication and offer a collection of sample copies - Sample copies of 24 different mail order publications, just $10...

You're almost ready to begin! The best way to start is to include one two-sided circular, such as our Money-Making/Money-saving Reports circular, and your ad sheet in an envelope, stick one of your mailing labels on it and send them out first class. If you've got another "special program," you might include a circular for that, but don't put more than 3 circulars in each of your out-going mailing pieces. Too many things to choose from will confuse the recipient and result in no response at all.

Overall, it's best to send these mailing pieces out via first class postage in order to make sure you've got "good" addresses. Any "nixies" will be returned to you as non-deliverable and you can mark/adjust your systems accordingly.

Your ad sheet is for the purpose of getting free advertising for your primary program, the space you have available for mail order advertisers in your area shoppers' paper. And, the reports circulars are "fast-selling door-openers" that should bring back

hard cash, from these other mail order publishers who will be running your shoppers' paper advertising. Generally speaking, very few of the ad sheet publishers will buy shopping paper space from you - they are almost all too caught up in their on "ad sheet

thing" and "trade advertising programs," to see or understand the real advantages of super circulation paid advertising for a product. They will however, almost always buy the below cost, mail order "success" reports, and this is how you get money from them, in addition to your free advertising.

Now you're in business! Hundreds, even thousands of sharp mail order entrepreneurs will see your shopping paper ads in all the ad sheets you're exchanging ads with, and they're the ones - those selling books and products - who will take advantage of your offer. In exchange for this advertising exposure these ad sheet publishers give you, your only obligation is to paste the ad they submit as their exchange ad, onto your ad sheet, print the required number of copies, and send it out to all your exchange advertisers.

However, their efforts in your behalf will quickly result in hundreds of cash orders for your shopper paper space. The profit potential should quickly satisfy your wildest dreams with only a minimum amount of work and organization on your part.

As your listing of mail order advertisers is published in each of the shopper papers, you fold one up and send it to each of your advertisers as a checking copy via third class mail. What could be easier or more beneficial to your personal bank account?

It may take six weeks to a couple of months to get everything organized and the orders coming in, but once they start, it will be like a never ending river of money for you. Remember too, set one shoppers' paper program up first - get it filled up with paid advertising and running smoothly - and then multiply your income possibilities by duplicating the same program with as many other of your local area publications as possible. When you go in to talk to these people about the program you have in mind, remember - they are in the business of making money, and your plan is just another way for them to make money - they want your business and your money - sell them on yourself and your business plan.

So, that's it... the plan you can use to become rich - the rest is up to you... I as sure you it's easy to put into action, and it works... How soon you get it started, and how much money you make with it, is entirely up to you...

Sunday, September 10, 2006


have always considered that learning any subject is really the learning of secrets. Well, they aren't REALLY secrets but they are rules that contain a main basis or subject.

Consider spelling. Toknow the rule, 'I before E except after C' tells you how to spell more words than learning that ceiling is spelt as I have just spelt it.

Learning mail order is no different from learning any other subject. Certain rules or 'secrets' will bring you more success than experimenting your newest ideas. I am about to outline some of the secrets which, after many years in mail order, I have learnt about advertising. I must point out though that these secrets will not really be known to you until you have actually PROVED them to be right for yourself.

1. One order from one small advert in a mail order magazine is about normal. Two is good and three is excellent. It isn't really the number of replies that is important so much sas what to do with the replies.

2. Never try to sell anything in a small advert in a mail order magazine for over £1. Anything advertisied for over £1 will normally (not always) receive no replies at all.

3. You will rarely ever make a profit from a small advert. It is the FOLLOW-UP that makes the profit.

4. Advertising something FREE will bring most replies but asking for one or two stamps will bring the best results. In my experience, I have proved that this is true no matter WHAT other articles may say.

5. Always give more than the customer actually expects to receive as this creates a good position to follow up from.

6. Try to make the wording of your advert leave the potential customer wanting to know more. e.g. The above title left YOU wanting to know 'The Ten Big Secrets' - didn't it?

7. Aim your advert to the reader. Readers of mail order magazines are mainly mail order dealers and NOT Opportunity Seekers although there may well be some others.

8. Always put a personal hand written letter in your follow-up unless of course your handwriting is on the down side.

9. I have never found that MORE words mean MORE success although more words can be used to advertise more than one thing which can bring in more money from the advert itself but it does not increase the overall number of replies.

10. Rules can be broken BUT it is a good idea to stick to rules in the main until you really know how to break them.

Saturday, September 09, 2006



Friday, September 08, 2006



Govt. Regd. No. 121/98
(Private Circulation only)
ISSUE NO. 24 Worldwide Circulation Rs.50 / US$ 5 / 10 IRC’s


BM - Broad minded MLM - Multi level marketing
BMC - Broadminded correspondence PF - Penfriendship
GTG - Get-together RA - Reply assured
H - Hobbies SASE - Self-addressed stamped envelope
IRC - International Reply Coupon WW - Worldwide
LK - Languages known $ - US Dollar

Edited and published by SUN INTERNATIONAL, 3/22, AMC, Fourth Lane, Sekkalai, Karaikudi-630 002, Tamilnadu, India

For One Year : Rs.200/- / US$ 20 / UK Pd 20
For Three Months : Rs.50/- / US$ 8 / UK Pd 8
(All yearly members will be getting free checking copy for one year with their details)
Money order/Bank Draft (DD) Cash by Regd. Post only in favour of SUN INTERNATIONAL PAYABLE AT KARAIKUDI ONLY. Send your letters and payments to: Sun International, 22/3, AMC Fourth Lane, Sekkalai, KARAIKUDI – 630 002; Tamilnadu : India
Exchange : Rs.10/= US$ 1 = UK Pd 1 = 3 IRC’s
Foreigners: Send your payments by American Express Postal Money Order / Travelers Cheque / BPO / Bank Draft / Western Union Money Transfer (E-mail and post 10 digit secret number with full details of payment) / Bank Notes (Cash) by Regd. Insured Mail only in favor of Sun International payable at Karaikudi. NRIs (including Gulf Indians) has to follow Dollar rates / Equivalent Indian Rupees by Bank Draft. Always send your letters & payments by Regd. Mail only for SAFE & SURE Delivery
Please don’t send cash by ordinary post, cash may be send by Regd./Insured Post only in thick sealed cover
Website: Email:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------CUT HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Females listed free
Name : Mrs/Miss/Mr. ………………………………. Father’s/Husband’s name: …………………
Age : …………….. Date of Birth: …………………………….
Sex : ………………………. Married/Unmarried: ……………………….
Qualification: ………………………….. Occupation: ……………………………….
Full Address:

Pin Code : District: State:
Penfriendship with Males/Females/Couples/All Photo for publication : Yes/No
Telephone No. (if any) : Mobile No.:
Telephone/ Mobile No. for publication: Yes/No E-mail ID :
Hobbies/Interests : You are broadminded : Yes/No
Languages known :

DD/MO/BPO No. ………………. Date: ……………………… Amount: ………….

I hereby certify that the above given details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief for which I undertake full responsibility and reply to all letters, that I receive and I agree to abide by the rules of your organization.

Date: Signature:

Note: If letters/payments are sent by courier service, please send through Professional Couriers only. Don’t send through any other couriers

SI-2845(I) Mr. N. VEERARAGHAVAN. B.Sc. (Age: 53), Sundaram Finance Limited, First Floor, 21, Patullos Road, Chennai 600 002, TN, India. H- PF with females, BM, BMC, GTG, RA LK- Tamil, English (Mobile No. 94440-78481) E-Mail

SI-2846(I) Mr. S. NAZAR ALI, B.A. (Age: 23), 3/101-A, Near Raja Hospital, Manavalkurichi 629252, K.K. District, TN, India. H- PF with all, stamps, coin, photo collections and writing books, RA. LK-Tamil, English, Malayalam (mobile No. 94435-58713) E-Mail (See Photo)

SI-2847(I) Mr. M. SURIYA, DME (Age:29) No.294/B, Type-II Qtrs, Block 5, Neyveli 607 803 TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, personal meeting, sharing, views, LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No. 94432-70752)

SI-2848(I) Mr. J. BALARAJ, (Age:31), Kochilan vilai, Idaicode Post, K.K Dist 629 152, TN, India. H-PF with all, songs, collecting coins LK-Tamil, English Malayalam (Phone No. 04651-262894) (See photo)

SI-2849(I) Mr.G. GOVINDASAMY (Age:35), 124, Velur Road, Tiruchengodu 637 211, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting, RA LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No.98427-96868)

SI-2850 Mr. A.M.G. RAJAN, M.A., B.Ed., (Age:49) 35/2, St.Aloy Chruch Street, Soundarapandiapuram Post, T.Kallikulam via, Nellai Dist. 627113, TN, India. H-PF with all, acting, part time job. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2851 Mr. S. RAVIKUMAR, Pharmacist, Southern Railway Hospital, Poonamalli High Road, Egmore, Chennai 600 008, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting, LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No. 94443-57756)

SI-2852 Mr. S.V. DHANDAPANI, (Age:45), 1/19-A, Sirukulam Nathathupatty Post, Satur Taluk, TN, India. H-PF with all, marketing, tour LK-Tamil, English

SI-2853 Mr. I. JOSEPH RAJ, St. Joseph Line West, Azhappapuram Post, K.K. District 629 401, TN, India. H-PF with all LK- Tamil, English

SI-2854 Mr. THA. NAA. CHE, 1, Owlian Shahib 3rd Street, II floor, Ellis Road, Chennai 600 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, Social Service LK-Tamil, English

SI-2855 Dr. R. SUBRAMANIAM, B.A., 24, Kuni Bazar Street, Bheem Nagar, Trichy 620 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, Medical Research, BM, BMC, personal meeting, Tour, RA. LK-Tamil, English (See photo)

SI-2856 Mr. R. RAJAVELU, 2/80-A, South Street, Seathirabalapuram, Malliyam Post, Mayiladuthurai Taluk 609 806, TN, India. H-PF with all LK-Tamil, English

SI-2857 Mr. J.K. SAMUVEL, Evangelist, (Age:40), 1157, Valayalkara Street, Upstairs, Karanthai, Thanjavur 613 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, Social Service, Helping poor, LK-Tamil, English

SI-2858 Mr. R.M. MOHAN (Age:37), 149, Big Bazaar Street, Rasipuram 637 408, TN, India. H-PF with males only, BM, BMC, personal meeting LK-Tamil, English

SI-2859 Mr. E.VENKATACHALAM, 37, Pandi Vinayagar Kovil Street, South Veli Street, Madurai 625 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English

SI-2860 Mr. S. MURUGAN (Age:35), 121, G.A. Road, Chennai 600 021, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, personal meeting. LK –Tamil, English

SI-2861 Mr. K. SAMPATH KUMAR, 465-D, Type-I, Block 29, Neyveli 607 807, TN, India. H-PF with all LK –Tamil, English

SI-2862 Mr. K. ARUNKUMAR C/o S. Kumar, Old No.94/2, New No.62, Kalavaichetty Street, Chindatripet, Chennai 600 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, Social Service, personal meeting LK –Tamil, English

SI-2863 Mr. S. BOPALAN, R-47/3, Thermal Quarters, Mettur Dam, 636 406, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English

SI-2864 Mr. B. SUNDRAMURTHI, 69, Josiyam Shanmugam Chettiar Street, Aruppukottai 626 101, TN, India. H-PF with all, Social Service. LK –Tamil, English (Mobile No. 93600-63945)

SI-2865 Mr. A. SHAHUL HAMID, 20, Semiyan Street, Pallapatti Post, Karur Dist 639 205, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English (Mobile No. 94428-28140)

SI-2866 Mr. P. MUTHUKUMAR, 23/30, N.G.R. Street, Kalapatti, Coimbatore 641 035, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English

SI-2867 Mr. K. ANANDH, 62, Abinaya Gardens, Diverson Road, Polur 606803, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2868 Mr. CHANDRAN, (Age:32), C/o Sun International, 3, AMC Fourth Lane, Sekkalai, Karaikudi 630 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting LK –Tamil, English

SI-2869 Mr. G. NAGARAJAN, L-1101, Taj Nagar, Kaveri R.S Post, Erode 638 007, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2870 Mr. M. MURUGAN, 113, Mahatma Gandhi Salai, Karur 639 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2871 Dr. AR.SM. GUNASSHEHARAN, Ph.D, Numerology & Namemology Specialist, 15, Rajendra Road, Near Communist Office, Ananda Press, Palani 624 601, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2872 Mr. I. AKBAR ALI, 2-A, Bathala Kaliamman Koil Street, South to Periyakadai Street, Dindigul 624 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, Social Service. LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2873 Mr. V. SARAVANAN, 243, K.M. Street, Alamelumangapuram, Vellore 632 009, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English. (Mobile No. 93606-32631)

SI-2874 Mr. S. ESWARN C/o Subbulakshmi Stores, 47, Vada Agaram First Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai 600 094, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2875 Mr. J. KALAIVANAN, B.Com, Premier Export Corporation, SF No.266, NSK Nagar, Near TKT Mill, Veerapandi Post, Palladam Road, Tirupur 641 605, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2876 Mr. K. RAJA SENTHILKUMAR, Post Box No.166, Palayankottai Post, Tirunelveli 627 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English. (Mobile No.93603-43974)

SI-2877 Mr. A. SELVAM S/o Arumugam, Pattukaran Valasu, Puduppalayam Post, Sinnappampatti 636 306, Salem Dist, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2878 Mr. B. ALBERT, Sanitary Inspector, Palani Municipality, Palani 624 601, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English.

SI-2879 Mr. S. VELMURUGAN, Chennai, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No. 93400-60022)

SI-2880 Mr. S. SWAMINATHAN, 3/12, Ranaganathan Street, West Banu Nager, Ambattur Pudur, Chennai 600 053, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2881 Mr. MOHAN KUMAR, (Age:40), Pondicherry, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No.92452-89509)

SI-2882 Mr. PRABAKARANRAJU, F-10, Barath Nagar, Kondur, Cuddalore 607 002, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2883 Mr. S. KARTHIK NANDAKUMAR, 3/1-66-B, Gandhiji Street, East Ambikapuram, Ponmalai, Golden Rock, Trichy 620 004, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English

SI-2884 Mr. M. PALANISAMY, Door No.115/52, New Extension Main Road, Mettupalayam 641 301, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English. (Phone No.04254-229242)

SI-2885 Mr. D. SIVAKUMAR, 2, New Line, K.K. Block, T.K. Market, Coimbatore 641 001, TN, India. H-Penpals LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2886 Mr. S. DEVARAJAN, Post Box No.4213, Naickenpalayam Post, Coimbatore 641 020, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, personal meeting LK –Tamil, English. (Mobile No.98655-55045, Phone No.0422-2695665)

SI-2887 Mr. K.G. RAJAN, CCMG, Pandugudi Post, Tiruvadani 623 404, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK –Tamil, English. (Mobile No.98656-38912, 94425-74179)

SI-2888 Mr. VASANTHA D. FRANNCIS, (Age:34), Nityanand Chawl, Anna Nagar, Dharavi, Mumbai 400 017, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, Social Service, Stamps Collecting, Cinema Assistant Producer, RA LK –Tamil, English. E-mail

SI-2889(II) Mr. N. KARTHIKEYAN, B.Tech. (Age:26), Plot No.65, 3rd Street, Priyanga Nagar, Manjathidal (North), Kattur, Trichy 620 019, TN, India. H-PF with all, Travelling, TV. LK-Tamil, English (Phone No: 0431-2501867).

SI-2890(II) Mr. A. RAVI, B.Sc. (Age:38) Sri Annai Plastics, Varaganeri, Trichy 620 008, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, I need friends of both sex who will give and share their love and affection. Reply to all letters. LK-Tamil, English (Phone No: 0431-2201852).

SI-2891 Mr. K. BACKIARAJ, M.S.W (Age:30) C/0. Dinesh Tailor, 32/56-A, South Car Street, Ramnad 623 501, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, social service, TV, cinema, music, reading books. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2892 Mr. S. SENTHILKUMAR, B.A (Age:25) 9, Andipoosari Street, Sellankuppam, Cuddalore 607 003, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, personal meeting, chating. LK-Tamil, English, (Mobile No:93456-20589) (See photo)

SI-2893 Mr. A. XAVIER (Age:26) 82/120, Kallarimettu Street, West Mariyanathapuram, Dindigul 624003, TN, India. H-PF with all, CDs, photos, gifts exchange. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2894 Mr. P.R. SIVANANDHAM (Age:75) 134, II Cross Kanagasabai Nagar, Chidambaram 608 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, Numerology, photography. LK-Tamil, English (See photo)

SI-2895 Mr. K. VISHNU, 43/363, Bakthavatchalam Street, Rajajipuram, N.G.O. Colony, Thiruvallur 602 001, TN, India. H-Penpals, personal meeting, oil massage, MLM. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2896 Mr. Y. AHAMATHU BASHEER (Age:21) Chellathurai Mazhai Store, Main Road, Colachel 629 251, KK Dist, TN, India. H-PF with all. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 98424-21035) E-mail

SI-2897(III) Mr. S. ELANGOVAN, M.Com. B.L. (Age:46) 1650, Thanthai Periyar Nagar 4th Street, Burma Colony, Karaikudi 630 002, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, books reading, Network marketing. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 94425-75965) (See photo).

SI-2898(III) Mr. J. HAKKEEM (Age:37) Post Box No.64, Munnar 685612, Idukki Dist., Kerala, India. H-PF with all, business, BM. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2899(III) Mr. S. HAMEED (Age:29), Play Writer, Old Road, Kaliakkavilai 629 153, Kanyakumari District, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, jokes, traveling. LK-Tamil, English, Malayalam, (Mobile No.94428-56740) (See photo).

SI-2900(III) Mr. B. LOGEESWARAN, M.A (Age:27), No.118/166-A, Thiru-Vi-Ka Street, Villupuram 605 602, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, chess. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2901(III) Mr. M. KANNAN (Age:46), Post Box No.45, Kumbakonam 612001, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting, reply to all letters. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2902 Mr. K.P. SUBRAMANI, (Age:41), T.M., T.D. Section, Telephone Bhavan, Brough Road, Erode 638 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, Personal meeting LK-Tamil, English. (Mobile No.98436-58599)

SI-2903(IV) Mr. R. MANOHARAN, B.Lit (Age:37) 3-75-B, Ponnanviduthy, Alangudi Taluk, Pudukkottai Dist 622 301, TN, India. H-PF with all, RA, BM. LK-Tamil, English (Phone No: 04322-256302).

SI-2904 Mr. SATHISH (Age: 27), Chennai, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No. No. 98411-33370, 98840-55199).

SI-2905 Mr. S. VENKATESAN, B.Com (Age:21) Room No.47, MMN Mansion, 56/10, Singarachari Street, Chennai 600005, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting, MOB, MLM, RA. LK-Tamil, English E-mail: (Mobile No: 92831-92235, 98945-23658)

SI-2906 Dr. M. MARIMUTHU (Age:37), Nagudi 614 616, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, gifts exchange, Ayurvedic Treatment for all sexual disorders, RA. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 98426-09206, 94438-41255)

SI-2907 Mr. P. RAJENDRAN, Post Box No.6, Sivagangai 630561, TN, India. H-PF with females, BM, personal visit. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2908 Mr. A. MALAIARASU PANDIYAN, Assistant O/o Assistant Commissioner Office, Hindu Religion and C.E Department, 37/18, Natchi Street, Virudhunagar 626 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, radio, BM. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 98421-18433, 98655-80559)

SI-2909 Mr. B. KARUPPIAH (Age:40) C/0. N. Kamaraj, Document Writer, Big Bazaar, Rajapalayam 626 117, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, Reply to all letters. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2910 Mr. J. ELANGO (Age:28) 18-A, Nethaji Nagar, Sanganoor Main Road, Rathinapuri Post, Coimbatore 641 027, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2911 Mr. K. NAGARAJAN (Age:37), Driver, 3/87, Villampatty Post, Nilakottai Taluk 624 219, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting, Reply to all letters. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2912 Mr. M. SHAJAHAN (Age:26) 309/A/67, Extension Area, Mettuppatti, Begampur Post, Dindigul 624002, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, Personal meeting, cinema, RA. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 93679-22106).

SI-2913 Mr. K. VELMURUGAN (Age:40) P.B.No.4, Aundipatty 625512, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, social service. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2914 Mr. M. RAJU, Supdt. of Central Excise (Service Tax) O/o Commissioner of Central Excise, 6/7, A.T.D. Street, Race Course Road, Coimbatore 641018, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting. LK-Tamil, English

Please Note:
How to contact below Code No. Members without address. Read advt. Carefully before writing replies. Put your reply in an envelope with SASE and seal it. On top left corner of the envelope write the Code No. Put all sealed letters together with forwarding fees Rs.10/- stamps for each letter in a strong and large envelope and seal it. Send the large envelope by registered post (or) through Professional Couriers to SUN INTERNATIONAL, 22/3, AMC FOURTH LANE, SEKKALAI, KARAIKUDI-630 002, TAMIL NADU, INDIA. Re-mailing and forwarding fees are not refundable service charge only. It does not involve any guarantee (or) responsibility upon advertisers for reply to your letters. No letters are forwarded if the forwarding fees is not enclosed. Hence will be destroyed. Letter forwarding charges for overseas US $ 1 per letter. Indian rates are applicable only for people living in India. NRI has to follow dollar rates. SI-2915 to SI-2926

Please note: Re mailing and forwarding charges are non-refundable service charge only. It does not involve any guarantee (or) responsibility upon advertisers for reply to your letters.

SI-2915 25 years old single lady from Chennai seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2916 26 years old single lady from Chennai seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2917 23 years old single lady from Cheyyar seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2918 27 years old married lady from Madurai seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2919 Young lady from Chennai seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2920 20 years old single girl from Kanyakumari Dist. seeks decent friendship with all. H-PF with all, tour, personal meeting, write with SASE and phone No. LK-Tamil, English (See photo).

SI-2921 33 years old married lady from Madurai District seeks BM friendship with all. H-Personal meeting, BM, write with SASE & Phone No. LK-Tamil, English (See photo).

SI-2922 31 years old married BM lady from Trichy seeks BM friendship with helping minded males. H-Personal meeting, BM. LK-Tamil, English Write with SASE & Phone No.

SI-2923 36 years old BM married lady from Kerala seeks BM friendship with all. H-Penpals, BM, BM friendship, personal meeting, write with SASE & Phone No. LK-Tamil, English, Malayalam (See photo).

SI-2924 32 years old married lady from Erode District seeks decent friendship with all. H-Penpals, collecting stamps, TV, carom, write with SASE. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2925 30 years old BM married lady from Chennai seeks BM friendship with helping minded males. H-Personal meeting, BM, write with SASE & Phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2926 30 years old married BM lady from Madurai seeks BM friendship with all. H-Personal meeting, write with SASE & Phone No. LK-Tamil, English

SI-2927(I) Mr. DARSHAN GOAL, Journalist, C.W. Road, Baghapurana 142 038, India. H-PF with all, Journalist LK –Hindi, English (Mobile No. 098556-47335)

SI-2928(P) Mr. D.C. NATH, M.Com., (Age:53), Mohripur, Gorakhpur 273 007, UP, India. H-PF with all, BMC, Social Service, Reply to all letters Lk-Bengali, English (Mobile No. 092360-75564)

SI-2929(P) Mr. MANOJ CHATURVEDI, B.Sc., (Age:35), 172, North Vijay Nagar Colony, Agra 282 004, UP, India. H-PF with females and couples, movies, BM, traveling, chatting LK-English, Hindi (Mobile No. 093191-81844) (See photo)

SI-2930 Dr. FRANCIS K.ALAPPATT, (Age:45), Elite clinic, Post Box No.11, Kodakara 680 684, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, BMC, GTG, CDs Chatting LK-Eng, Malayalam (Mobile No. 093498-55965)

SI-2931 Mr. K.S.R. MURTY, (Age:45), District Secretary, FNTO, Dondapadu, Sanivarapupeta Post, Elura 534 003, AP, India. H-PF with all, sharing of views, small helps to poor students, enjoying the Nature. LK-English, Telugu

SI-2932 Mr. S.A.M. YUSEF, AL-Hilal Cottage, Puduppariyaram Post, Palakkad 678 733, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, BMC, Social Service. LK-English, Tamil, Malayalam

SI-2933 Mr. THEJ ANTO, B.Sc., (Age:21), Plot No.168, Nehru Nagar, Kuriachira Post, Thrissur 680 006, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, music, games LK –Tamil, English, Hindi, Malayalam.

SI-2934 Mr. BILAL AHMED CHOUDRURY, Hostel No.4, Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat 785 007, Assam, India. H-Penpals LK-English.

SI-2935 Mr. V. SURYA PRAKASH, (Age:33), Ranipet, Venkatagiri Post, Nellore Dist 524 132, AP, India. H-PF with all, MOB, MLM, BM, BMC, GTG, personal meeting LK – Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, English

SI-2936 Mr. PRASANT KUMAR, A-134, Sector-17, Rourkela-769003, Orissa, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC LK-English (Mobile No: 098610-44674)

SI-2937 Mr. BALAKRISHNAN PERUMAL, 9/16, II Street, Sankarapuram, Chennai 600 094, TN, India. H-PF with all, LK – English

SI-2938 Mr. V.N. CHANDA, B/59, Amarabati Colony, Durgapur CRPF Camp, Durgapur 713 214, WB, India. H-Penpals LK-English

SI-2939 Mr. AJAY SINGH RAWAT, Behind Police Station, Kotdwar 246 149, Garhwal, Uttranchel, India. H-Penpals LK-English

SI-2940 Mr. S. NIRMAL KUMAR, B.Com., H.No.11-2-49, Novodayanagar, Narasaraopet 522 602, Guntur Dist., AP, India. H-Penpals LK-English, Telugu

SI-2941 Mr. ASOKE KUMAR PAL, Shantinilay, Bhanjpur 757 002, Baripada, Orissa, India. H-PF with all, Philately. LK-English

SI-2942 Mr. UNNIKRISHNAKAMPARTH, A.J.C. English Medium School, Thana Street, Rajam 532 127, Srikakulam Dist., AP, India. H-PF with all, LK – English

SI-2943 MR. S.G.P. SHETTY, Jajur Post, Challakere 577 522, Chidradurga Dist., Karnataka, India. H-PF with all, LK – English

SI-2944 Mr. ALOK SUBASH KUJAR C/o Laba Ku. Mishra, Gokaraneswarpara, Sonepur 767 017, Orissa, India. H-PF with all, LK – English

SI-2945 Miss ZIMEB ABED, Rue, Ameur Amara, EL-Horia, Naama, Algeria. H-PF with all, I love India so much, and I hope to visit India soon, RA LK-English

SI-2946 Mr. JILL BOUDREAU, P.O. Box 3272, Nashna, NH-03061, USA. H-PF with all, LK – English

SI-2947 Mr. LARRY L.SHANK, 218-W, Main Street, Napoleon, OHIO-43545, USA H-Penpals LK-English.

SI-2948 Mr. HOWARD GIPSON, 5561, Grants Ferry Road, Brandon, MS-39047, USA. H-Penpals LK-English

SI-2949 Mr. EDUARDO PINELA, (Age:55), P.O. Box 7587, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America H-Penpals LK-English

SI-2950(II) Mr. R.C. GUPTA, M.A., M. Phil (Age:57) H.No.3901, Street No.4, Bhola Colony, Tajpur Road, Ludhiana-141010, Punjab, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, BM friendship, music, photography, gardening, music, helping matured, need nice sincere friendship, RA. LK-English, Hindi.

SI-2951 Mr. PYDEE LAKSHMI KANTHA RAO (Age:78) Retd. Post Master, 4-12, First Road, Georgepet Post, Anantapur-515004, AP, India. H-PF with all, BM, solving cross words, Answering Quiz questions, selling good books, social service, helping nature. LK-English, Kannada, Telugu (See photo).

SI-2952 Dr. A. K.MATHUR, P.B.No.17, Phalodi, Jodhpur-342301, Rajasthan, India. H-PF with all, BM, Social service, RA to all. LK-English, Hindi.

SI-2953 Mr. SEKAR, B.Sc. (Age:31) C/o. Sun International, 22, AMC 4th Lane, Sekkalai, Karaikudi-630002, TN, India. H-PF with males only, BM, BMC, collecting CDs, photos, magazines, write with phone No. LK-Tamil, English.

SI-2954 Mr. SURESH CHANDRA SETH (Age:50) P.B.No.90, HPO, Aizawl 796 001, Mizoram, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, invited from all, from every-where without any bar. Reply assured to all. LK-English Hindi. E-mail:

SI-2955 Mr. S. DURGAPRASAD, B.Com. (MBA) (Age:28) 105/62, II Floor, Chamiers Road, Teynampet, Chennai-600 018, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, MOB, MLM. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No: 93808-37444).

SI-2956 Miss SAGARIKA OJHA (Age:20) Sithaloi, Rudrapur-755 005, Jajpur, Orissa, India. H-PF with all, BMC, music, coins & stamps exchange, send SASE, reply to all. LK-English

SI-2957 Miss. S. THUNDATHIL, Edappady, Kottayam 686 578, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, exchange of photos, books, CDs, send SASE. LK-English, Malayalam (Phone No:0482-2236512).

SI-2958 Miss. SAJIE, (Age:19), Safinas, K.T.Vayal, Kannur, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, postcard, autograph collecting, send SASE LK – English, Malayalam.

SI-2959 Mrs. DATA SHET, Gold Smith, Naickyar Street, Chennagiri 577 213, Karnataka, India. H-PF with all, BM, send SASE and phone No. LK-English, Kannada

SI-2960 Mrs. LEELA NAIK, Obuli Clinic, Rialway Station Road, Kadur 577 548, Karnataka, India. H-PF with all, BM, send SASE and phone No. LK-English, Kannada

SI-2961 Mrs. M. GRACE NANCE, M.A., B.Ed. (Age:56) Headmistress, C.B.M. Compound, D.No.11-130-2, Vuyyuve 521 165, Krishna District, AP, India. H-PF with all, social service, helping to needy children, orphans, blind, gospel service, BM friends, RA. LK-English.

SI-2962 Miss JYOTI RAI (Age:23) Deosaydara, Krishnanagar Post, Darjeeling 734 214, WB, India. H-PF with all, BM, fun loving, frank friendship, send SASE for sure reply with my photo. LK-English, Hindi, Bengali.

SI-2963 Mrs. RADHA (Age:40) B.C.House, Mulavakadu, Ernakulam Dist. 682 504, Kerala, India. H-PF with all, BMC, personal meeting, send SASE, RA. LK-English, Malayalam.

SI-2964 Mrs. INDIRA RAJU (Age:35) Balaji Electricals, Yanagur Post, Sakalespur Taluk, Hassan District 573 123, Karnataka, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting. Reply assured, send SASE. LK-English, Kannada, Telugu (Phone No: 08173-241903, after 8.30 pm to 11.00 pm only).

SI-2965 Mrs. RATNA SARDAR (Age:30) 8Z/1B/12, Rahim Ostagar Road, Kolkata 700 045, WB, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting. LK-English, Hindi (Mobile No. 093397-38999).

SI-2966 Mrs. & Mr. SATTAR KHALEED (Age: 40, 45), #3-5-145 (Old), 3-5-150 (New) Azmathpura, Near Andhra Bank, Karim Nagar 505 001, AP, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, CDs, magazines, photos, RA. LK-English, Telugu.

SI-2967 Mrs. ARCHANA (Age:31) P.B.No.19, GPO, Pune 411 001, Maharastra, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, personal meeting. I can visit any place for meaningful friendship, photography, parties etc., RA to all, write with SASE & Phone No. LK-English, Hindi (Mobile No: 093710-81071).

SI-2968 Miss FATI MORO (Age:28) Box No.914, Akimoda, Ghana, West Africa. H-I want to correspond with BM man with a view to meeting later and a serious relationship leading to marriage. Age no bar, write to me with your photos. Reply assured. LK-English (See photo).

SI-2969 Miss KOPILA KARMACHARYA (Age:24) Jwagal toal (Ward No.10) Kupandole, Lalitpur, NEPAL. H-PF with all, BMC, personal meeting, collecting CDs, reply to all letters, please send SASE & photos. LK-English, Nepali, Hindi.

SI-2970 Mr. SWAN HNG, 15, Jalan Aruan, Singapore-229126. H-Penpals. LK-English, (Phone No: +6359155)

SI-2971 Mr. A.A. SUBRAMANIAN (Age:37) P.B.No.35, Pollachi 642 001, TN, India. H-PF with all, MOB, MLM, BMC, global business contact, RA. LK-Tamil, English (Mobile No. 93454-46389)

SI-2972 Mr. R. SHANKAR, B.A (Age:33) 2/12, NH-2, Maraimalai Nagar 603 209, TN, India. H-PF with all, BM, BMC, MLM, Social service, global network, MOB, RA. LK-Tamil, English, (Mobile No: 94448-60981) E-mail:

SI-2973 Dr. V.B. VINCENT IMMANVEL, AMA, (Age:42), 26, Kamarajapuram Main Road, Chennai 600 073, TN, India. H-PF with all, I published two Medical Books 3rd Book is ready to print. But, due to finance deficiency the printing getting delay. So, I heartily welcome the helping minded persons to support the 3rd edition. Your address and name will be published and you will be honored in the function. LK –Tamil, English (Mobile No: 93821-71129).



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Yercaud got its name from the Tamil words, yeri and kaadu, meaning lake and forest respectively. The British discovered it in the early 19th century. There are accounts of coffee plantations being introduced by a British officer in the area in the second decade of the 19th century. Though first house was built in 1840, the first metalled roads were laid only in the early 20th century. The cool climate attracted Christian missionaries and they established the Sacred Heart Convent for girls and Montfort School for boys. Schools like the Holy Cross Novitiate House, started by the Brothers of Don Bosco, followed these.Yercaud was a Sun Taluk upto 14.10.1997. It became a full fledged Taluk with effect from 15.10.1997. There are 67 Revenue villages which have been grouped into 9 Tariffs for the sake of administration and each Tariffs has one Village Administrative officer. Yercaud Taluk is divided into 3 Firkas viz., Yercaud, Vellakkadai and Puthur.
Yercaud Town is situated above 4800' from mean sea level. The highest point in Yercaud Taluk is Shevaroy Temple which is situated at a height of 5326'. Hence, Yercaud hill area is called "Shevaroyan Hills". It is also called "Ooty of the Poor". The Summer Festival is being celebrated in the second week of May of every year.The climate of Yercaud is a moderate one. The maximum temperature is 167.6°F and minimum is 66°F. In the year 1988,the average maximum temperature was 27°C and minimum is 15°C. Winter season starts in the month of September and ends in December. During Winter, the hills are covered by mist and looks beautiful. There is a long road going around the middle part of the Taluk connecting Nagalur, Semmanatham, Cauvery Peak, Vellakkadai, Manjakuttai villages and it is 35 kms in length.There is also a bus route from Salem to Yercaud via Ayothiyapattanam, Kuppanur and Kottachedu. State Transport Corporation, Salem and two private operations serve the traveling public. There are many villages connected by bus in Yercaud Taluk.
There are no wet lands in Yercaud Taluk. The main crop of this Taluk is Coffee. At first, Coffee was cultivated in "Grange Estate" in the year 1820. Coffee plant was brought from Africa to Yercaud by the then collector Thiru. Cock burn in the year 1820. Jack Fruit, Berry, Orange, Guava and spices like Pepper and Cardamom are the other crops raised in Coffee Estate. Sandalwood, Teak and Silver Oak are abundant.


Hello all,
Share your message to tamilnadu friends....Find your friends from your native . . .

posted by virtualinfoway @ 3:47 PM 0 comments

Friday, April 21, 2006
Welcome to Tamilnadu friends network

Hello sir,

Yercaud got its name from the Tamil words, yeri and kaadu, meaning lake and forest respectively. The British discovered it in the early 19th century. There are accounts of coffee plantations being introduced by a British officer in the area in the second decade of the 19th century. Though first house was built in 1840, the first metalled roads were laid only in the early 20th century. The cool climate attracted Christian missionaries and they established the Sacred Heart Convent for girls and Montfort School for boys. Schools like the Holy Cross Novitiate House, started by the Brothers of Don Bosco, followed these.Yercaud was a Sun Taluk upto 14.10.1997. It became a full fledged Taluk with effect from 15.10.1997. There are 67 Revenue villages which have been grouped into 9 Tariffs for the sake of administration and each Tariffs has one Village Administrative officer. Yercaud Taluk is divided into 3 Firkas viz., Yercaud, Vellakkadai and Puthur.
Yercaud Town is situated above 4800' from mean sea level. The highest point in Yercaud Taluk is Shevaroy Temple which is situated at a height of 5326'. Hence, Yercaud hill area is called "Shevaroyan Hills". It is also called "Ooty of the Poor". The Summer Festival is being celebrated in the second week of May of every year.The climate of Yercaud is a moderate one. The maximum temperature is 167.6°F and minimum is 66°F. In the year 1988,the average maximum temperature was 27°C and minimum is 15°C. Winter season starts in the month of September and ends in December. During Winter, the hills are covered by mist and looks beautiful. There is a long road going around the middle part of the Taluk connecting Nagalur, Semmanatham, Cauvery Peak, Vellakkadai, Manjakuttai villages and it is 35 kms in length.There is also a bus route from Salem to Yercaud via Ayothiyapattanam, Kuppanur and Kottachedu. State Transport Corporation, Salem and two private operations serve the traveling public. There are many villages connected by bus in Yercaud Taluk.
There are no wet lands in Yercaud Taluk. The main crop of this Taluk is Coffee. At first, Coffee was cultivated in "Grange Estate" in the year 1820. Coffee plant was brought from Africa to Yercaud by the then collector Thiru. Cock burn in the year 1820. Jack Fruit, Berry, Orange, Guava and spices like Pepper and Cardamom are the other crops raised in Coffee Estate. Sandalwood, Teak and Silver Oak are abundant.
i wish to interect other publishers

I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I

I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I aimed to do just that. I realised that my redundancy money wouldn't last forever so I aimed to get enough work to make at least half a weeks wage. I managed to do that for a few months so I steeped up the amount that I needed.
By gradually enlarging the amount that I needed, I stepped up my takings in little bursts.
A few mistakes made me realise that just earning enough to live on wasn't anywhere near enough. So, in my private accounts, I put in extra payments that didn't really exist. The idea was to con myself into believing that I needed more than I really did. It worked.
Although I knew that I had more money than I really did have, I still had that sense of urgency to find even more.
Another little psychological trick which I found extremely helpful was to pay all my bills as soon as possible. This meant that when I was in any financial trouble, I could always leave a bill a little longer before paying it.
Earning more money is not the only way to become richer. Another way is to spend LESS. Living within your means is just the same as being rich. Always wanting more and more only leads to misery.
It seems to be human nature to always want to work less, have less problems and have more money. It is only a little twist of the mind that can help us to want to work just a little more, handle just a few more problems and accept that we have enough money.

I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I

I knew that I couldn't make the business work in just one year so I set myself specific aims. To start with, it was just a matter of getting work so I aimed to do just that. I realised that my redundancy money wouldn't last forever so I aimed to get enough work to make at least half a weeks wage. I managed to do that for a few months so I steeped up the amount that I needed.
By gradually enlarging the amount that I needed, I stepped up my takings in little bursts.
A few mistakes made me realise that just earning enough to live on wasn't anywhere near enough. So, in my private accounts, I put in extra payments that didn't really exist. The idea was to con myself into believing that I needed more than I really did. It worked.
Although I knew that I had more money than I really did have, I still had that sense of urgency to find even more.
Another little psychological trick which I found extremely helpful was to pay all my bills as soon as possible. This meant that when I was in any financial trouble, I could always leave a bill a little longer before paying it.
Earning more money is not the only way to become richer. Another way is to spend LESS. Living within your means is just the same as being rich. Always wanting more and more only leads to misery.
It seems to be human nature to always want to work less, have less problems and have more money. It is only a little twist of the mind that can help us to want to work just a little more, handle just a few more problems and accept that we have enough money.

how to write reports

Your basic "Money Making Report" is usually two pages in length, sells for $3, and outlines instructions, details, or a "How-To Method" for solving a problem: making more money, saving money, attaining greater happiness, or fulfilling an ambition or desire.
One of the most successful reports was and still is, a short report on How To Keep Moles Out Of Your Yard, by one of the deans of self-publishing, Jerry Buchanan. Another of the most successful and biggest money-makers ever written, had to do with the many different ways to prepare and serve hamburger. Simple, basic, grass roots kind of information is what we're talking about.
Any man, woman or child can write a saleable report on any subject - providing he or she has knowledge of that subject through personal experience, research, or both. A lot of women write successful money-making reports based upon better ways of solving household problems. And a lot of men write successful money-making reports on how to get greater pleasure from leisure time activities such as fishing, wood working or other hobbies The list of subjects one can write about is endless, and reports on how to make more money easier and faster are no more limited to male authors than expertise in cooking is limited to female authors.
Writing your report is easy and quite simple. However, it does take longer, and requires more sweat, blood and anguish for some people to produce a "finished" product than it does others, even if they are equally intelligent and knowledgeable.
The best advice anyone can give you on how to write a money-making report is to advise you to write as though you were talking to someone - as though you were instructing your next door neighbor via the telephone on the subject at hand. I use the word telephone here to point out that regardless of how much you wave your arms, point your finger, or even draw pictures, you aren't getting the message across, and your neighbor won't "see" what you're talking about until you tell him in the kind of language he can understand.
Write in a style similar to the book reports you used to give when you were in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Do you remember the "theme papers" you used to have to research, outline and write for term finals? You got a good grade if you presented your material in a straightforward style, had the facts, and didn't pad out your paper .
Be factual, and be clear. Know your reader and use the kind of language he expects you to use. This does not mean that you should drop to the level of military barracks talk or that you should elevate yourself to the level of a pseudo Rhodes Scholar.
It just means that in writing the basic "How-To" report, you should bear in mind that these reports serve as personal one-to- one consultations between you and your reader, and that your language should establish a rapport he can feel. Outline what you want to say before you write it. This helps; in fact I very definitely recommend it. Many writers "think" as they're typing or writing what they want to say, myself included. But believe me, everything flows smoother, with a lot less rewrite involved, and the finished product is always much better when you've outlined what you want to say before you start.
When doing business by mail, these Money-Making "How-To" reports we've been talking about are known by many names: folio, booklet, pamphlet, guide, or even Personal Success Plan. In reality, these reports are written guidelines that give the reader more information on a subject he wants to know more about.
Money Making reports have been, and can still be written to show other people how to start, develop, enjoy or expand a hobby; how to learn and develop new or greater abilities; how to start, develop and operate a new business, or even expand a current one; how to develop and prepare for a new career; how to make more money; how to save money, better one's standard of living and have more time for leisure; how to solve personal problems and enjoy life more; how to attain success in any endeavor .
You'll find that the better selling reports are well researched, authoritative, factual and helpful to the reader in the achievement of his goals. Your report can be put together and sold as anything from a two-page typewritten paper to a multi-page typeset and professionally bound book. An important point to remember here is that the people who are going to buy your report are going to be interested in the information it contains - not how long it took you to put it together. The reason you wrote it, or the number of pages you've written - so long as it contains the information he wants.
Picking a subject to write about - one that has sales appeal and that will sell well for you - is not as hard as it sounds. The best rule to follow is to write only about something you already know a great deal about. With this advice in mind, it will follow that your best writing will be about those subjects that particularly interest you. And remember, the more you are involved or interested in the subject, the easier it will be for you to write about that subject in a manner that will hold your reader's interest. Your knowledge and enthusiasm will show through - causing your reader to overlook any technical writing weaknesses.
How do you determine the subject that's best for you to use for your first report? Channel your thinking along these lines: If you love to fish, you could probably put together a money-making report on "How To Catch The Big Ones." If you love to sew, you could probably write a report on "Tips For Beautiful Sewing." If you have experience in advertising, you could write a report on "How To Write An Ad For Best Results;" experience in printing, a report on "How To Prepare Copy and Layout For Best Printing Results;" experience in business, a report on "Better Business Operating Techniques."
It's worth repeating: Whatever you write about, make it something you know about, and are especially interested in. Art Fettig writes about motivation and ideas for selling because he has spent many years doing just that - motivating people toward larger sales volume and "brainstorming" new ideas for more sales. Doug Hooper writes about the power of positive thinking because he has practiced it and believes in it; it works for him and he knows it can work for you. Paul J. Micali writes about the techniques of closing more sales. He has spent all his life teaching people to become better sales people, and he never tires of talking about how easy and rewarding selling is with the proper thinking and approaches. Maryanne Raphael writes for all of us about the many and different writers' markets open and available to free-lance writers, because she has spent many years searching and learning all about these markets as a free-lance writer. Whenever we talk with her, she's always "neck-deep" with assignments from countless publications. She knows the problems of the free-lance writer, and she passes along information of great value because she's been there. Dottie Walters writes about the opportunities for women in business because she's been "down to her last dime," started a business on sheer determination alone, and knows the tremendous potential of women in the business world. Today, she is one of the most sought-after women in this country as an inspirational speaker for women's groups. She gets paid for speaking before these groups, and sells thousands of dollars worth of books at these engagements besides! I could go on and on - naming friends and telling you how they have taken a subject they were interested in, found out everything about it they could, and parlayed it into a fortune by starting with the writing of a "How-To" report. Rather than go on with these stories of how others have done it, and are doing it, let's get on with the task of showing you how you can write your own "How-To" report and parlay it into a personal wealth vehicle of your own!
Once you've decided on the subject you're going to write about, the next step is thorough research. Visit your public library and "bone up" on your subject. Read as much about it as you can find - newspapers, magazines, books - everything! Start collecting clippings, talk to your neighbors, your friends and relatives, and take notes on all information you gather from reading and personal discussion.
When you've spent a good six weeks intensively researching your subject, gathering notes and discussing it as often as you can with as many different people as possible, you should be ready for the next step - the sorting, compiling and assembly of your notes. Simply read through all the notes and clippings you have accumulated, discarding those that are repetitious, and organizing those you're going to use according to your "subject coverage" outline. Don't let the outline part of your project become an obstacle. An outline is simply listing the order in which you want to write about or discuss each aspect of your subject.
Everything that's written should have a natural beginning, a body and an ending. When you outline your subject, and your "subject coverage," which can be likened to a table of contents, you'll find it easier to say what you want to say. You'll be able to say everything you want to say. You won't have to worry about forgetting or leaving out an important point you want to make. The coverage of your subject will be more complete, and your writing will be much smoother.
Once you've completed your research, organized your notes, and have your "subject coverage" outline set, you' re ready to write the money-making report that just might make you rich!
Start writing, and write as though you were talking to someone, because writing, after everything has been analyzed, taken apart, studied, improved upon, and put back together, is still nothing more or less than a written conversation between two people. Write your how-to report as though you were instructing a high school graduate in how to do something his first day on the job.
It makes no difference whether you write it all out longhand or pound away at a typewriter. Just get it all written! Once you've got your material organized, start writing and don't stop until you're finished!
When you have finished, be proud of yourself! Take a break, go out to dinner, enjoy a night on the town! In other words, put this first draft of your report aside for a few days and allow your brain, your body, and your creative juices to rejuvenate themselves.
After a couple of days off, take up your report and go through it with a sharp pencil, just as you imagine an editor would do. Strike out, rewrite and polish each paragraph for clarity, accuracy and flow.
This is the time to make sure that what you've written is easy to read, easy to understand, and each sentence follows the one before it just as surely as spring follows winter. The smoother the conversation or the writing of your report flow s, the easier it'll be to read, and the easier it is to read, the more copies you will sell.



No other business venture seems so inviting, or attracts so many people than that of selling via mail order. On the surface, it appears to be an easier and faster way to become rich than almost any other method of doing business. All the people in the world are your potential customers; you work from the privacy and comfort of your own home; you set you own working hours; and you answer to no one but yourself.

Ideally, you should have a product of your own - something you can produce at very low cost, and sell at top price. If you are buying something, advertising and reselling it, in order to realize a profit, you have to mark it up at least 500%. This is not an unreasonable mark-up for mail order sales.

Your product has to have mass appeal, and it has to be something not readily available to your prospective customers except through you. The product should be such that you can carry an inventory without worry of spoilage, aging or other damage. It should be something you can send through the mail - deliver to your customer - for next to nothing in relation to your selling price.

The best money-making product of all is a "How-To" report such as this one. You don't have to be a literary genius, or even an experienced writer to write one of these re ports. In fact, the easiest way is to buy a set of these reports - read each one over, set it aside and write a similar one with more elaboration or from a different point of view. Give your report a commercially appealing title, set a price for it, advertise it widely in a
number of nationally circulated mail order publications, and you could have something that will continue to bring in money for you for many years to come.

The absolute best money-maker of them all is a report you've found a great need for, researched thoroughly, and written from scratch. Discovering these needs is not that difficult a task.

If you just don't have the time to write and market one of these reports, or just cannot produce one for whatever reason, the next best thing to purchase a set of these reports with reproduction rights. Here, you can have a number reprinted for as little as one or two cents each, and sell them for one to five dollars each. The only problem with this approach is that after a year, nearly everyone in mail order will have a copy of these
reports, and will be trying just as hard as you are to sell them.

Now, if you have bought the reproduction rights to the reports, you simply rewrite them, put new titles on them, make up a new advertising circular, and send them out as new reports each year. There are a number of mail order self-help reports that have been making the rounds for the past 25 years in just this manner.

Just because you haven't got the time or the tools to write one of these reports is no reason for not producing one. If you have an idea or the background material, and the confidence that such a report will sell - get in touch with someone who specializes in this kind of writing, and have then put the finished product together for you. Generally, the fees will run to $100 per page. But this is an "incidental fee" indeed, if you come up with something that has the potential of bringing in several thousand dollars per year for the next ten years or so. Remember, once you have it together and written, you just continue
making copies of your original and filling prepaid cash orders for as long as you wish to stay in business.

You should also have advertising circulars, a catalog or a "follow-up" offer for every order you get. Many people make the mistake of "sending their whole store" in response to every inquiry. When you receive an inquiry to your advertising, you should have a prepared sales letter describing the item you're advertising, and perhaps a circular listing in catalog style some of your other products that tie in with the product of your sales letter. This is known as the "featured Selection Plus Alternates" approach.

When you receive an order for the product you've been advertising or featuring in your mail efforts, include one of your product catalogs in the package with the customer's order. The most effective practice is to include an advertising circular or brochure of a leader item or special-of-the-month, and your catalog. The main thing NOT to do is to include more than a couple of separate "featured selection" circulars. Keep your eyes
on how the big mail order houses do it, and duplicate their operating plan within your own means.

The important point to remember here is to be sure to include something different - something new - something your customer has not seen or been offered a chance to buy - with each successive contact you make with him. Once you've broken the ice and got him spending money with you, continue showing him products of a related nature that should stimulate his appetite for greater success. For sure, he'll never be more in the mood to buy from you than when he receives something he has ordered. So every time you fill and send out an order to a buyer, include an opportunity for him to buy even more from you.

You can make a very comfortable income, but you'll never get rich so long as you're having your orders drop shipped for you. Having a connection with a prime source that will drop ship orders for you is one of the surest and best ways to "learn" the business of selling by mail - but if you really want to make it big, you'll use drop shipping sources for learning, and to back up your primary product with follow-up offers.

If you don't have a primary product of your own, the next best thing is to buy in quantity lots at wholesale prices. A work of caution here, though: do not buy a quantity supply of anything until you've seen a sample of the product and have thoroughly tested the salability of that product.

Too often, the beginner is sold a quantity of a certain product at so-called wholesale prices, only to find that after he had spent his capital he either doesn't want to put forth the effort and time to sell that particular product, or that he can't "give it away," let alone sell it. Suppliers who operate this way, almost forcing you to buy an inventory to have available for your orders, generally derive most of their income from the sale of the initial "required" inventories. Always investigate and check out the salability before you buy anything more than just a single sample.

Selling your reports depends on your advertising. You have to get the word out that you have "money-making information" available for sale. Start out small by using short classified typed ads. Look at how some of the established mail order reports sellers are doing it, and copy their methods. Do not copy their ads -instead, use them as idea stimulators for your own original copy. Place an ad in one of the largest circulation publications you can find, then use the income from that ad to buy and place more advertising. In other words, use the money that comes in from the first ad to place similar ads in three or four other publications.

One of the insider secrets of the mail order business is in multiplying your advertising exposure. This means simply that you start with an ad in one publication, and from there, expand your exposure by advertising in more publications. Be patient, and
wait for the returns form your current ads, then use that money to increase the number of people who will have a chance to see your ad. It's as simple as that, and it works every time. Try it and see for yourself.

All of this means that as you are getting started with a new mail order business, you have to reinvest all your business income back into the business. To do otherwise is a straight line to business failure.


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Thursday, September 07, 2006

